Want Exclusive Content?
I know you do so I have come up with a solution...
...email blasts!
I have been wanting to share emails with you all for years but I had no idea what I wanted them to look like to include; until this morning. I kid you not, I had a vision so clear that I literally ran to my laptop so I could start creating.
As of today, bi-weekly emails will be sent out only to those subscribed and will include: recent blog posts, Liketoknowit links, popular IG posts (including stories!), and my personal favorite product(s) along with discount codes!
I will also be adding one additional email during the month with extra content such as sale alerts, exclusive blog posts (not posted anywhere else!), tutorials, beauty advice, and more.
I cannot tell you how excited I am about this; I hope you feel the same way too!
If you want in on these emails, you can subscribe below or send me an email and I will personally add you to the list!
*The first email will be sent out Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 10am CST.